Monday, August 31, 2009

Long time and No blogging....

I have been really slacking on the blogging lately, but once again life and summer have taken over all my free time!!

I figured it was time to post since this is our last week of summer, bitter sweet I think. I am not really to the point that a lot of parents are at, that I dream about school starting so my kids will be gone all day every day. Don't get me wrong I am excited to have a little time to myself, but we had a really great summer packed full of stuff! I think I will be more excited next year when both of my monsters are in school and I truly will have a break!!

Over the summer we just spent a lot of time outside, swimming, playing at the park, going to the lake, and having lots of play dates with friends. Haylee turned 2 a few weeks ago, and we did have a little family party for her. I can still get away with that I think a few more times, b/c my high matience child is already planning her birthday extravaganza in her mind for her 5th b-day.I swear the day she gets married is gonna cost a fortune! But I am probably part of the problem, I love that my girls are girly and love pretty dresses and having their hair and nails done, with big bows and headbands in their hair.....I admit that I am a sucker for it!!

I have decided that I am not doing school shopping this year, seriously Kenzie doesn't need anything except maybe a pair or 2 of shoes and a new pair of jeans. I will buy her a new 1st day of school dress though, cause I can't resist! She is super excited about going back to school, all I heard all summer was how much she can't wait to go back and see all of her friends and her teacher. I hope she always has that attitude about school!

Once school starts I am going to sign both girls up for swim lessons, Kenzie took some this summer and she did amazing, she is swimming in part by herself, but I am afraid of her regressing if I don't keep up with it, so Kenzie and Haylee are going to start taking lessons in a few weeks!

I took Haylee in for her 2yr. old check-up on Friday, and she has not gained any weight in 6 months. Her Doctor says that in a normal case he might be worried, but he says Haylee is mentally and physically developing just perfect if not above the curve. But he does want me to bring her back in in 6months to weigh her again and then maybe talk about some supplementaion of her diet. End result....our kids are just going to be very petite.

We are also deciding it is time to take away the pacifier...Haylee calls them her DeDe's so we started last night that she only gets it at bedtime, we are doing that for 1 week and then next week we are putting them in bag and giving them to the DeDe fairy!! Just let me be strong!!!

All in all we had a fabulous summer and we are all healthy and happy!!!