Monday, March 31, 2008

It's Official....growing up is so Great and Sucks all at the same time!!
So I am speaking on all levels here, growing up with me means more work, and more bills and constant I doing enough? Is what I am doing good enough? I guess as a parent your kind of Dammed if you do and Dammed if you don't in a sense!
-Anyways growing up when it comes Kenzie at this point in the game is Amazing! She now 100% no more pull ups at night!! O.K. I know what some are saying, but she had been waking up dry foe a few months now, but I was just too tired and lazy to deal a possible accident! But she is Officially 100% BIG GIRL NOW!!!!!
-Haylee at this stage of the game, growing up sucks....because TEETHING SUCKS BIG TIME!! And on top of it all she is sick with a pretty nasty cough and more snot than she knows what to do with! Poor Adam said he was up until almost 2:00 am last night, I got home from work a little early at about 2:00 and things were calm, he must have just crawled into bed!!
-But all in all we are all good, Healthy and Happy....a little stressed out and tired, but everyone important to me is here and healthy!!(Things could always be worse)

P.s. To Lo, she is taking on another kid 3 days a week who is 6 weeks younger than Jack, who will be 1 in a week(I can't believe it) GOOD LUCK TO YOU, IF NEED know who to call!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter 2008!!

So we had wonderful easter filled with easter egg hunts and baskets full of goodies that the Easter bunny left and goodies from all the grammy's and Papa's, we spent a good potion of the day outside b/c it was 90 degrees! He had a great meal and ended the day in the pool, it was a great day of Family. Sadly My mom and Bob were missing, but don't feel too sorry for them they HAD to spend Easter all by themselves in CABO!! We don't feel sorry for you, but we missed you guys! Also Papa Rick, we really wish you could have come down and spent the day with all the kids and grandkids!! My brother Joel and his Family and Mark stacie and all the munchkins were missed, maybe we can all be together next year!!

Kenzie Hunting for eggs!

Grammy amd Me

A little bit of cheerleading and playing outside!

Kenzie and Ryan!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Welcome Mama Buns!
McKenzie Can't wait to see Gramma Buns....From the far away airplane. Be prepared she says she is gonna tell you that she wants a pet piggy! I keep telling her "You have to tell Gramma Buns, she's the one with all the piggy friends at her house!"

Just some pics I took this morning....Kenzie says she loves her sissy opposed to yesterday when she didn'tike Hayls!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Our Weekend!!

We just pretty much hung around the house all weekend and played outside. I worked Friday and Saturday night, and then had all of Sunday off which was so nice. Just a few pics of the girls...nothing too exciting to report!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Just another day in the life of a 3yr. old!!

-So Kenzie walks downstairs after her bath last night in her robe and says to me "mom do you know who you are"? "Um yes I am Mom" No she says you are the princess.I thought that was so sweet, and then she says "Mom do you know who I am"? The princess also I say. "No I am the QUEEN" Go figure right, I should have known that one was coming!!

-So She walks around grabbing at her butt and her peep and I ask her if she needs to go potty, she says no mom, don't worry I just have a wedgie up my bum! Where does this come from..seriously!

-A few days ago Kenzie went over to LoLo's house and saw Jack I think for the 1st time since his accident.Later that day when I asked her if she saw Jack's Owee, she said in a sassy little voice and she threw her hands up in front of her, Mom I was TOTALLY FREAKIN' OUT!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

McKenzie My sweet

It never fails, that on a daily basis Kenzie cracks me up with the things she blurts out of that tiny BIG mouth of hers! My friend Adrienne writes what she call Kate-isms about her daughter Kate because she is a crack up. And Kenzie said something today and Lo Said the same thing...You should write these things down! It is so true, so I am.

-McKenzie is a child who never wants to have clothes on, and what do I care when we are home if she is primped or just hangin' in her PINK undies. She always runs around and screams Nakie Girl, and now if Haylee is Nakie she gets all up in her face and feels the need to tell Haylee she's a Nakie Girl! Well today she got something on her shirt from snack and took her shirt off and ran around screaming mom i'm a 1/2 a Nakie girl!

-She hangs out with me the other night while I was getting ready for work and proceeds to tell me stories....Once upon a time there was a princess named Kenzie....... and Then one about Daddy and Mommy and Jax. I said what about Haylee, she said oh yeah I forgot. Once upon a time there a princess named Haylee, No No wait...Once upon a time there was a witch named Haylee! Oh how do you really feel about your sister!

-So I am sure at least a few times a day I yell at the dog, and to myself or I think no one hears I call him a stupid dog, well obviously someone hears because Jax layed on her "BOY" yesterday(which is her blankie to those who don't know) and she said Jaxie get up you Stupid dog," Kenzie I said that is Nasty talk where did you hear that" She says"Mom you call Jaxie a stupid dog when he jumps on the couch!" OH CRAP I DO...MY BAD

-Everything these days that Haylee even looks at I swear If it is Kenzies and with a look of disgust, she hands it to me and says mom please wash this Haylee just pukied on it!

-I was getting out of the shower a few days ago and she was sitting on the toilet waiting to hand me cute, she loves to be my helper! And I wrap my hair and she says mom come here, so I bend down and she grabs me and says"You look oh so beautiful" Seriously I love that girl!!