Monday, April 20, 2009

100 Degrees and it's only April!!
So today was another day of it hitting triple digits at our house...YUCK!! I love warm weather but hate HOT weather. But I sucked it up and we played a while outside today, the girls had a blast!!

Also this morning while I was doing laundry, Haylee decided that she was going to get herself dressed....she was very proud of herself!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Good Old Family Fun!!!
So we had a really great Easter, I cooked a big meal for my whole Family....Turkey and Ham, potato's &gravy and broccoli casserole. Oh and brownie's for dessert! Laura, Doug and the kids had hockey tournaments all weekend, so they didn't make it. We had an Easter egg hunt and played outside all day! By the end of the day we cleaned up and gave the girls baths and we were all literally in bed by 8:00 was a long day!

My brother's son Logan

All the kids jumping on the Trampoline
Kenzie, Haylee, Logan and my brother's daughter Kyla

Today I met my friend up in Long Beach at this really great park called Heritage Park, they have these giant size playhouses with slides and stairs inside and duck ponds, where we fed the duckies. A huge playground, and fountains everywhere, it was really cool. The kids had a blast and were very worn out by the end of the day. 2 days in a row w/out naps, once again the kids were in bed by 7:45.

Back to the grind tomorrow, the start of my work week. And so lovely that we have just switched uniforms to all black, black slacks and black tops....which I am so excited about, but not excited to have to go and buy new and cute stuff(for work)!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Finally......I can't believe it has been a month and 1/2 since I blogged last. I just can't find the time to sit down and do it these days!:) Well, I sit on face book for 20 min a/day so I probably have time I just haven't done it! Anyways I guess I probably haven't blogged b/c truly not too much is happening around here, same old. My babies are getting so big, Kenzie is 4 going on 13 and Haylee wants to be 4 or sometimes thinks she is! I guess that's just how it is when you have older siblings. They are AMAZING, Kenzie is doing so great in pre-school...she loves her friends and loves her teacher(Mrs. Leslie), Mrs. Leslie is coming over to house for an in-home visit today. If you want her to come over(optional) she spends 20-30 min at your house doing something of your child's choice. Kenzie wants her jump on the trampoline....I told her that maybe playdoh could be a back-up plan just in case she doesn't feel comfortable jumping!!:) She has been having tons of play dates with friends from school, which is awesome for her and myself! Once a week she goes to her friend Catie's house and once a week they come over to our house, it's a great break for me and gives me and Haylee time together!

We just cut 3in. off Kenzie's Hair..I would kill for her hair!!

Haylee is doing so amazing as well, she is so smart...yeah I know I am a tiny bit biast, but I think b/c she watches and hears everything Kenzie does she picks everything up so quickly. She is my little ball of fire and has such an outgoing personality, she is itty-bitty and acts like she is 5ft tall!

A day at the park!!

The 1st day of pig tails!!

It is crazy how opposite they are....Kenzie is my sweet, cuddly, PRINCESS(most of the time) and Haylee is my little devil, ball of fire and energy, and only wants to cuddle with me if Kenzie is!

This is what they thought about me taking their pic this morning!!

I also have to just throw in a pic I love...we watched Jack about a month ago and this is what you get when you throw a boy in a house full of girls!!

Doesn't he look perty!!

And I think he was trying to sell Haylee!

Life with me and Adam is pretty much the same..C-R-A-Z-Y!! We are both so busy, I feel like we go weeks at a time without seeing each other for more than 5min., but we sneak our time when we can and throw a date night in there about once a month. My mom is the most amazing help with the girls and us working so much!

So Mom(Bonnie) was just in town and she did what grammie buns is famous for...Disneyland with Kenzie, Oh how she loves Disneyland!!Thanxs Buns:)

Papa Rick is coming into town this weekend, and that should be cool b/c he hasn't seen the kids in about a year and 1/2.

Last but not least, I have been thinking a lot lately of how I can get healthy and back into fighting shape, with my kids who don't let me work-out! So I have come to a decision, I am setting a personal goal for myself...I am going to buy myself a really nice dbl jogging stroller and I am going to start running with the girls, and by my 29th b-day I want to run in a 1ok!!...maybe a 5k we will see how long it takes me to get to that point, but 1 way or another I am going to be determined and DO-IT!! I will keep you posted!!

Hopefully next time it won't take me so long to post a new blog!! XOXOXOXOX